25 January 2014


btw, would you guys prefer small, more often, updates like this? Or big, once a week, ones?

-Seth out

19 January 2014

19th Jan. Update

It's been a while since I updated. Mostly because I've been busy doing other things :)
I only have a week left of holidays, and this year is going to be very busy, so I've been relaxing and taking things slow.

I've been working hard on NPCs, making them somewhat realistic. It's a slow and tedious task but, hopefully it'll be worth it.

The past couple of days I've been having a break off from NIKRA, and in that time I've been carving a cleaver blade out of wood. It's coming up quite nicely!
When it's done, I may put it on eBay ;) The blade is the final sword you get in NIKRA, and I've spent more than 6 hours already handcrafting it.

~ ~ ~

NIKRA's Facebook page has almost reached 200 likes!

Until next time,

7 January 2014

Ludum Dare & the Aesthetic Effects of NIKRA

Phew! The past 3 weeks have been really fun! I rated a hundred or so games and got so much positive feedback for COR.

Here are the results for COR:

I cannot believe I came 52nd! (out of 1284)

~ ~ ~

I uploaded another video of NIKRA showing you the 'alive world' it has.
The reason why I'm spending a little bit of time adding in aesthetic effects, is because sometimes when I'm playing an RPG or just a general platform game, I feel as if the world isn't 'alive' and nothing is moving. Or at least, not enough is moving.

You can watch the video HERE

~ ~ ~

Like NIKRA on Facebook HERE
Follow me on Twitter HERE

This blog also reached 5000+ views!

Thanks everyone, I'll see you in the next one!

5 January 2014

5th Jan. Update ~ 2014!

2013, wow, what a year! I cannot believe it's 2014 already :D

As you may have read, NIKRA has had some serious changes regarding the sandbox aspects. I've had a few complaints, but mostly everyone understands.
The past week has been busy. I've been designing, drawing, and coding almost non-stop O-O I probably need a break! But, so much has been done in the way of world preperations and design.
In that week I have (almost) completed 5 'rooms' that the player will explore.

I want to show you guys the VERY FIRST screenshot of NIKRA, way back in June 2013:

As you can see, there's not much happening. It had crappy textures, no background and rushed terrain generation.

After almost 8 months of coding, drawing, and designing; I'm pleased to show you guys the VERY FIRST photo of the new NIKRA:

With the new engine in place and a new tile rendering engine, I am able to personally craft anything from bridges to Spacescrapers.

Every Saturday I'll post a photo on my Twitter of a scene or place you can go, or even just a random image of the game xD

Follow me on Twitter: CLICK HERE

Thank you everyone! I hope you guys like the finished product!