22 October 2013

500 views! Thank you guys!


I can't believe it :D

I'm trying my very hardest to get this game into Alpha. Soon (before New Years?) I'll be putting up a post about pre-pre-orders (the order before the pre-order), and you can put in your Username and Email, and when the pre-order comes out; you'll be notified.

You guys are awesome!

Catch you on the flip-side,


  1. Awesome work Seth. The passion and motivation you have for this project is inspiring and I really look forward to seeing you reap the rewards of such hard work. What you've done on your game so far and the way you've documented your work is fantastic and it has been very interesting following your progress here and on facebook (but why is there only one tweet?!). Keep it up! I look forward to the post about the pre-pre-orders. I hope that you have a timeline of expected milestone achievements, it would be great to see this game out soon; but don't rush, this is a work of art, not a college assignment :) . I love what you've done so far (the foreground trees!) and watching it progress from a naked character standing on dirt to what it is now is magical. There's no way anyone could compare this to Terraria or any other games now! This is original!

    Keep posting (videos? pleeease!) and good luck in the future man,

    Very excited member of the public.
